Source code for mmfutils.plot.contour

"""Various types of contour plots."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

import scipy.interpolate
import scipy as sp

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from .rasterize import contourf
from .colors import cm

del scipy

__all__ = ['contourf', 'imcontourf', 'phase_contour']

def _fix_args(x, y, z):
    """Fix the arguments to allow for more flexible processing."""
    x, y, z = list(map(np.asanyarray, (x, y, z)))

    x = x[:, 0] if x.shape == z.shape else x.ravel()
    y = y[0, :] if y.shape == z.shape else y.ravel()
    assert z.shape[:2] == (len(x), len(y))
    return x, y, z

[docs]def imcontourf(x, y, z, interpolate=True, diverging=False, *v, **kw): r"""Like :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` but does not actually find contours. Just displays `z` using :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` which is much faster and uses exactly the information available. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : array-like Assumes that `z` is ordered as `z[x, y]`. If `x` and `y` have the same shape as `z`, then `x = x[:, 0]` and `y = y[0, :]` are used. Otherwise, `z.shape == (len(x), len(y))`. `x` and `y` must be equally spaced. interpolate : bool If `True`, then interpolate the function onto an evenly spaced set of abscissa using cublic splines. diverging : bool If `True`, then the output is normalized so that diverging colormaps will have 0 in the middle. This is done by setting `vmin` and `vmax` symmetrically. """ x, y, z = _fix_args(x, y, z) if interpolate and not ( np.allclose(np.diff(np.diff(x)), 0) and np.allclose(np.diff(np.diff(y)), 0)): spl = sp.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, z, kx=1, ky=1, s=0) Nx = int(min(5*len(x), (x.max()-x.min()) / np.diff(sorted(x)).min())) Ny = int(min(5*len(y), (y.max()-y.min()) / np.diff(sorted(y)).min())) x = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), Nx) y = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), Ny) z = spl(x[:, None], y[None, :]) assert np.allclose(np.diff(np.diff(x)), 0) assert np.allclose(np.diff(np.diff(y)), 0) kwargs = dict(**kw) kwargs.setdefault('aspect', 'auto') if diverging: z_max = abs(z).max() kwargs.setdefault('vmin', -z_max) kwargs.setdefault('vmax', z_max) kwargs.setdefault('cmap', cm.diverging) else: kwargs.setdefault('cmap', cm.viridis) img = plt.imshow( np.rollaxis(z, 0, 2), origin='lower', extent=(x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]), *v, **kwargs) # Provide a method for updating the data properly for quick plotting. def set_data(z, x=None, y=None, img=img, sd=img.set_data): sd(np.rollaxis(z, 0, 2)) if x is not None or y is not None: extent = list(img.get_extent()) if x is not None: extent[:2] = [np.ravel(x)[0], np.ravel(x)[-1]] if y is not None: extent[:2] = [np.ravel(y)[0], np.ravel(y)[-1]] img.set_extent(extent) img.set_data = set_data return img
[docs]def phase_contour(x, y, z, N=10, colors='k', linewidths=0.5, **kw): r"""Specialized contour plot for plotting the contours of constant phase for the complex variable z. Plots `4*N` contours in total. Note: two sets of contours are returned, and, due to processing, these do not have the correct values. The problem this solves is that plotting the contours of `np.angle(z)` gives a whole swath of contours at the discontinuity between `-pi` and `pi`. We get around this by doing two things: 1) We plot the contours of `abs(angle(z))`. This almost fixes the problem, but can give rise to spurious closed contours near zero and `pi`. To deal with this: 2) We plot only the contours between `pi/4` and `3*pi/4`. We do this twice, multiplying `z` by `exp(0.5j*pi)`. 3) We carefully choose the contours so that they have even spacing. """ x, y, z = _fix_args(x, y, z) args = dict(colors=colors, linewidths=linewidths) args.update(kw) levels = 0.5*np.pi*(0.5 + (np.arange(N) + 0.5)/N) _z = np.rollaxis(z, 0, 2) c1 = plt.contour(x, y, abs(np.angle(_z)), levels=levels, **args) c2 = plt.contour(x, y, abs(np.angle(_z*np.exp(0.5j*np.pi))), levels=levels, **args) c2.levels = (c2.levels + 0.5*np.pi) c2.levels = np.where(c2.levels <= np.pi, c2.levels, c2.levels - 2.0*np.pi) return c1, c2