Source code for mmfutils.math.differentiate

import itertools

import numpy as np

from mmfutils.math.integrate import Richardson

__all__ = ['differentiate', 'hessian']

[docs]def differentiate(f, x=0.0, d=1, h0=1.0, l=1.4, nmax=10, dir=0, p0=1, err=[0]): r"""Evaluate the numerical dth derivative of f(x) using a Richardson extrapolation of the finite difference formula. Parameters ---------- f : function The function to compute the derivative of. x : {float, array} The derivative is computed at this point (or at these points if the function is vectorized. d : int, optional Order of derivative to compute. `d=0` is the function `f(x)`, `d=1` is the first derivative etc. h0 : float, optional Initial stepsize. Should be on about a factor of 10 smaller than the typical scale over which `f(x)` varies significantly. l : float, optional Richardson extrapolation factor. Stepsizes used are `h0/l**n` nmax : int, optional Maximum number of extrapolation steps to take. dir : int, optional If `dir < 0`, then the function is only evaluated to the left, if positive, then only to the right, and if zero, then centered form is used. Returns ------- df : {float, array} Order `d` derivative of `f` at `x`. Other Parameters ---------------- p0 : int, optional This is the first non-zero term in the taylor expansion of either the difference formula. If you know that the first term is zero (because of the coefficient), then you should set `p0=2` to skip that term. .. note:: This is not the power of the term, but the order. For centered difference formulae, `p0=1` is the `h**2` term, which would vanish if third derivative vanished at `x` while for the forward difference formulae this is the `h` term which is absent if the second derivative vanishes. err[0] : float This is mutated to provide an error estimate. Notes ----- This implementation uses the Richardson extrapolation to extrapolate the answer. This is based on the following Taylor series error formulae: .. math:: f'(x) &= \frac{f(x+h) - f(x)}{h} - h \frac{f'')}{2} + \cdots\\ &= \frac{f(x+h) - f(x-h)}{2h} - h^2 \frac{f''}{3!} + \cdots\\ f''(x) &= \frac{f(x+2h) - 2f(x+h) + f(x)}{h^2} - hf^{(3)} + \cdots\\ &= \frac{f(x+h) -2f(x) + f(x-h)}{h^2} - 2h^2 \frac{f^{(4)}}{4!} + \cdots\\ If we let $h = 1/N$ then these formula match the expected error model for the Richardson extrapolation .. math:: S(h) = S(0) + ah^{p} + \order(h^{p+1}) with $p=1$ for the one-sided formulae and $p=2$ for the centered difference formula respectively. See :class:`mmf.math.integrate.Richardson` See Also -------- :func:`mmfutils.math.integrate.Richardson` : Richardson extrapolation Examples -------- >>> from math import sin, cos >>> x = 100.0 >>> assert(abs(differentiate(sin, x, d=0)-sin(x))<1e-15) >>> assert(abs(differentiate(sin, x, d=1)-cos(x))<1e-14) >>> assert(abs(differentiate(sin, x, d=2)+sin(x))<1e-13) >>> assert(abs(differentiate(sin, x, d=3)+cos(x))<1e-11) >>> assert(abs(differentiate(sin, x, d=4)-sin(x))<1e-9) >>> differentiate(abs, 0.0, d=1, dir=1) 1.0 >>> differentiate(abs, 0.0, d=1, dir=-1) -1.0 >>> differentiate(abs, 0.0, d=1, dir=0) 0.0 Note that the Richardson extrapolation assumes that `h0` is small enough that the truncation errors are controlled by the taylor series and that the taylor series properly describes the behaviour of the error. For example, the following will not converge well, even though the derivative is well defined: >>> def f(x): ... return np.sign(x)*abs(x)**(1.5) >>> df = differentiate(f, 0.0) >>> abs(df) < 0.1 True >>> abs(df) < 0.01 False >>> abs(differentiate(f, 0.0, nmax=100)) < 3e-8 True Sometimes, one may compensate by increasing nmax. (One could in principle change the Richardson parameter p, but this is optimized for analytic functions.) The :func:`differentiate` also works over arrays if the function `f` is vectorized: >>> x = np.linspace(0, 100, 10) >>> assert(max(abs(differentiate(np.sin, x, d=1) - np.cos(x))) < 3e-15) """ if 0 == d: return f(x) if 2 < d: def df(x): return differentiate(f=f, x=x, d=d-2, h0=h0, dir=dir, l=l, nmax=nmax) return differentiate(df, x=x, d=2, h0=h0, dir=dir, l=l, nmax=nmax, err=err) def df(N, x=x, d=d, dir=dir, h0=h0): h = float(h0)/N h = (x + h) - x if 1 == d: if dir < 0: return (f(x) - f(x-h))/h elif dir > 0: return (f(x + h) - f(x))/h else: return (f(x + h) - f(x - h))/(2*h) elif 2 == d: if dir < 0: return (f(x - 2*h) - 2*f(x - h) + f(x))/(h*h) elif dir > 0: return (f(x + 2*h) - 2*f(x + h) + f(x))/(h*h) else: return (f(x + h) - 2*f(x) + f(x - h))/(h*h) p = 2 if dir == 0 else 1 r = Richardson(df, ps=itertools.count(p*p0, p), l=l) next(r) d1 = next(r) d0 = next(r) err_old = abs(d1 - d0) n = 2 for _d in r: n += 1 err[0] = abs(_d - d0) d0 = _d if np.any(err[0] > err_old) or (n > nmax): break err_old = err[0] return next(r)
[docs]def hessian(f, x, **kw): r"""Return the gradient Hessian matrix of `f(x)` at `x` using :func:`differentiate`. This is not efficient. Parameters ---------- f : function Scalar function of an array. x : array-like Derivatives evaluated at this point. kw : dict See :func:`differentiate` for options. Examples -------- >>> def f(x): return np.arctan2(*x) >>> def df(x): return np.array([x[1], -x[0]])/np.sum(x**2) >>> def ddf(x): ... return np.array([[-2.*x[0]*x[1], -np.diff(x**2)[0]], ... [-np.diff(x**2)[0], 2.*x[0]*x[1]]])/np.sum(x**2)**2 >>> x = [0.1, 0.2] >>> D, H = hessian(f, x, h0=0.1) >>> x= np.asarray(x) >>> D, df(x) (array([ 4., -2.]), array([ 4., -2.])) >>> H, ddf(x) (array([[-16., -12.], [-12., 16.]]), array([[-16., -12.], [-12., 16.]])) """ x = np.asarray(x) N = len(x) def _f(_x, x0=x): r"""Shift arguments to be about zero.""" return f(_x + x) f0 = f(0*x) D = np.empty(N, dtype=np.dtype(f0)) H = np.empty((N,)*2, dtype=np.dtype(f0)) def _f_m_n(_xm, m, _xn=None, n=None): r"""Return `f(x)` where `x[m,n]` are offset by `_x[m,n]`.""" x = np.zeros(N, dtype=float) x[m] = _xm if n is not None: x[n] = _xn return _f(x) for m in range(len(x)): D[m] = differentiate(lambda _x: _f_m_n(_x, m=m), d=1, **kw) H[m, m] = differentiate(lambda _x: _f_m_n(_x, m=m), d=2, **kw) for n in range(m+1, len(x)): H[m, n] = H[n, m] = differentiate( lambda _xn: differentiate( lambda _xm: _f_m_n(_xm, m, _xn, n), **kw), **kw) return D, H