Source code for mmfutils.performance.threads

"""Thread Control

This module provides control of the number of threads used by the MKL and
numexpr.  It uses the global set SET_THREAD_HOOKS which should contain
functions that take a single argument and set the number of threads for that
particular part of the system.

Use `set_num_threads(nthreads)` to call all of these hooks.

[docs]def set_num_threads(nthreads): """Set the maximum number of threads to use. Calls all the hooks in `mmfutils.performance.threads.SET_THREAD_HOOKS` """ global SET_THREAD_HOOKS for set_num_threads in SET_THREAD_HOOKS: set_num_threads(nthreads)
try: # pragma: nocover Can't do this on public CI servers import mkl MKL_NUM_THREADS = mkl.get_max_threads() SET_THREAD_HOOKS.add(mkl.set_num_threads) except ImportError: # pragma: nocover pass try: import numexpr if numexpr: SET_THREAD_HOOKS.add(numexpr.set_num_threads) SET_THREAD_HOOKS.add(numexpr.set_vml_num_threads) except ImportError: # pragma: nocover pass